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Communication Breakdown

February 19, 2015

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Placed here for posterity.

posted 19 Feb 2015, 06:36
“Much unhappiness has come into the world because of bewilderment and things left unsaid.”
Fyodor Dostoyevsky

With so many ways to stay in touch with people these days, why are things so often puzzling, left unsaid or growing apart?

It is so weird how things function online and off; sometimes someone is right there all along, just an email, tweet, text, call, voice/video message, post, or PM away from becoming one of your greatest friends in life yet how often do we seize the initiative and send it?

People are strange, too. I recall a former friend of mine on this site whom I got along with quite well and had exchanged personal information. I liked her and she was (and is) an amazing individual. I was busy and roaming out of town and such and didn’t hear from her in months, nor did I send anything. When I did, to again touch base and see how she was doing – she has some health struggles – she told me that we weren’t close, said I dropped her when I saw what she looked like (???) and then, after a lengthy response on my part, ignored my message and unfriended me. This despite ME being the one reaching out to re-connect, and her also being quite able to send me a message in more than one form if needed. She never did – yet somehow I was at fault.

Odd behavior and sadly not uncommon, at least not in my experience. Another user on here behaved in much the same way; again I was the one that messaged her to say hello, after just a few days break. She said that I must be too busy for her, etc. when again – I was the one reaching out. Yet a different person was someone I was close to for months on end, until they suddenly just…stopped responding, with no explanation. Not one word said, just a cold and callous finality to a long, happy, and fruitful friendship. If you are angry or upset with me or have some issue, hey, at least have the courage to tell me to fuck off to my face – or bother to elaborate on the issue. But after so many great conversations, good times and laughs, and so much more, to just have someone not say a word to you and you can’t help but wonder why…yeah, that’s a tough one to take, and what she did will stay with me forever, unresolved and an open wound.


All this comes up because, as usual, I took the chance and PM’d a good friend of mine that I haven’t talked to in months and bluntly and directly asked if there was an issue, after some of my previous messages were not responded to. Thankfully, in this case, I was relieved to learn they were just busy and had some problems at home that needed to be dealt with but assuredly would be in touch again soon. Another one PM’d me to discuss some KAT-related stuff earlier, which was great, and we had a good conversation and promised to keep in contact and resume our little habits here and there when we could. A few people I owe a response to – but they have been out of town or unavailable and I haven’t forgotten, and WILL make the effort to talk to them again. Others I miss dearly, and haven’t heard back from them in ages, though I still try. Without much success, I’m afraid. 😦

It never hurts to try, does it?

It really doesn’t; if someone matters to you then you can’t sit back forever and hope that THEY will be the ones to hit you up; and you may legitimately ask – don’t they care, too? Why does it always have to be me? Why the hell should I bother when others don’t have the same decency? Well, yes, you do want to feel loved and wanted and needed from time to time, we all do – but if everyone thought that way, then no one would ever give a damn about anyone else. So swallow your frustration and make that call, send that message or do whatever you can – at least you know you tried, in that way. Sometimes a quick hi and hello is all it takes to let those in your circle know – hey, I thought of you today, hope you are well, I’m okay and maybe we can catch up in detail soon. 🙂 It’s not too hard, and often worth your time and effort.


I am reminded of our beloved eastendgirl, with whom I briefly lost touch; she was so livid at me for not giving her my number earlier when I deleted my account for a spell, because she really wanted to stay in contact with me and that touched me deeply, some of the things she said – it was one of the reasons I re-activated. From that time we talked on and off sporadically but at least once or twice a week and I was on a call with her just a few days before she passed away. I will never forget that, or her, and both of our collective efforts to stay communicating with each other. That’s how real friends should be.

If I haven’t gotten back to you in the past, and you’re reading this – I’m sorry; please fire me something when you can and I’ll try and do better. If you have gotten a message from me and haven’t responded – hey, it’s okay, but I would love to hear from you when you get a chance. Hope you are well, not too busy, and that it’s nothing personal. If I did something to upset or offend you, I sincerely apologize; let’s make amends and be friends once more. If you are someone I regularly talk to, and frequently are around – I’m glad to have you in my life, and thanks for being there for me so much. 🙂 I only wish to repay that kindness wherever and whenever possible, as the time comes.

Time comes for us all, so while we are here, we might as well maximize what little we get in this life and that means remembering that one person you might otherwise be neglecting and then taking a moment to say – hey, what’s up? Chances are you won’t regret it one bit. 😉

Top Comments

• 19 Feb 2015, 07:01
People are the centre of their own worlds and often too selfish to realise that all people have a centre.
Just look at mobile phones……… could be in discussion with someone you have not seen for 30 years but the mobile rings…you switch it off and the person ringing gets annoyed ???
I could ask why ??
In the old days a phone would ring and you could ignore it and people would assume you were out but these days they can get you anytime anywhere and then have the audacity to get angry if you don’t answer.
Now that is not an answer to your blog mate but it is a reality of todays mentality.
Real friends pick up where you left off regardless of the passage of time.

• 19 Feb 2015, 08:18
I am always embarrassed when somebody asks the question in English ‘How are you?’. I am not able to respond ‘How are you’, because in my culture it is disrespect to respond without frank reply.
It is expected to give a brief analysis of your current health mental financial relationship or other status.
Now you probably think that it can be hard to listen to other people’s problems all day, but you are wrong.
The really difficult task to honestly answer the question. Maybe that’s why they are doing this less and less.Well my KAT fellows, how are you?
winkEdit: I forgot to mention that in our country people are not only used to talk about their problems. I am also regularly informed about the piquant details of others previous night. lol
• 19 Feb 2015, 09:08 (5 hours ago)

“I’m phoning to let you know I’ve faxed you to say I’ve sent an email asking you to call me”

All Comments

• 2 min. ago
It is not about the amount of contact, but the loyalty, honesty, respect, equal values and sharing the comedy and tragedy of life.
We base our friendships on those things, and when the other side loses their “touch” we still feel bad/sad.I’ve had friends that I would go to hell and back for and for some I really did to that, but when you find out they have not nearly the same level of loyalty, or even having friends betraying your friendship for a lousy 50 Euro’s you lend them, and never return. It’s like a knife in your back. It made me more and more hesitating with trusting people to the point where I lost my empathy and respect for those “so called friends.” There are people who I hope I never will see again because when I do I will open up a can of whoop-ass for free.

• 19 February 2015, 13:37
” There will come a day when the people of this world will realize how alienated technology has made us and they will put down there electronic devices. ”

• 19 February 2015, 13:23
In the pic stated. 6,8,10 those are the only means of communication I generally use.
I have about 100 mins of talk time left in my phone yet I only chat rather than call. I prefer face to face talk.
10>6>8 this is my priority.Funny thing with IM is that the older friends I have are the most busiest(lie), only the ones I meet regularly IM more often with me, Guess it’s the same everywhere(with few exceptions).What’s your priority list of the communication methods stated in the pic?


• 19 February 2015, 10:58

People are cunts, obsessed with their virtual fucking worlds.

• 19 February 2015, 10:58
This comes from the guy who wrote this 4 hours ago after I messaged him 5 hours ago! finger GRRRR!!! huffy Good job Im the forgiving type! tongue
• 19 February 2015, 09:28

Nice blog post, VTS! Beautiful. But the truth is things are more complicated, and becoming more and more complicated as we grow older.

When you are young – notions like “time”, “problems”, “closeness” have very simple meaning. And I would say – easy meaning, and easy solutions.

But with the age – some, perhaps – most of us are becoming more and more trapped into stupid daily conformist chains, and it becomes harder, and harder to be your true self, to listen to your true self, because you are so busy to carry the heavy burden of you problems, your history, your responsibility, social acceptance, not to burden others with your own problems… etc…

And as Suzy points in her comment above – some of the time, and I would say – most of the time questions like “how are you?” from a friend are not supposed to be answered like “Oh, I have so many problems, health, work, family is broken, all my life is broken, I am so depressed!” – but with something like “Oh, I am just fine, thank you for asking. How are you?” or no answer at all but the simple auto generated question “Thanks, How are?”.

What a communication, really..?

But thats how life is. Very Buddhist I would say, but not only. Even the so popular and modern esoteric consent of perception teaches the same – dont ever burden yourself with others problems, others dark thinking, close your eyes and wad your ears when others are trying to impose you their problems. Period.

Cool. Very Humanistic too. And very kind. Where did the sympathy and empathy went?

But life goes on. Right..? wink

• 19 February 2015, 09:08

“I’m phoning to let you know I’ve faxed you to say I’ve sent an email asking you to call me”

• 19 February 2015, 09:42


• 19 February 2015, 13:36

Truth is stranger than fiction . . . thump_up wink

• 19 February 2015, 08:50

I forget how to 10

• 19 February 2015, 08:50

I forget how to 10

• 19 February 2015, 08:18
I am always embarrassed when somebody asks the question in English ‘How are you?’. I am not able to respond ‘How are you’, because in my culture it is disrespect to respond without frank reply.
It is expected to give a brief analysis of your current health mental financial relationship or other status.
Now you probably think that it can be hard to listen to other people’s problems all day, but you are wrong.
The really difficult task to honestly answer the question. Maybe that’s why they are doing this less and less.Well my KAT fellows, how are you?
winkEdit: I forgot to mention that in our country people are not only used to talk about their problems. I am also regularly informed about the piquant details of others previous night. lol


• 19 February 2015, 14:10

I’m fine, but will be a lot finer when I have a new computer!

But I agree, what’s the point of asking how are you? if people are afraid the other side will look negatively on them when they describe their problems. Problems, everyone has them…

• 19 February 2015, 08:04

Tl:dr – too long didn’t read


• 19 February 2015, 08:19

How are you ShadyThGod ?

• 19 February 2015, 09:36

Blogs are normally long..kinda curious as to why you came to one then?

• 19 February 2015, 07:44

A lot of interpersonal behavour can be explained by our desire to avoid a place where we feel trivialized.

To initiate contact is to demonstrate more care about the relationship than the other person, implying a value imbalance. People play a game of chicken with each other sometimes, each hoping the other will make contact.

• 19 February 2015, 07:22

I probably stay in touch to much for my own good. Sort of toned it down because i don’t want to feel like I am imposing. I feel for you Vic because it does hurt when you send messages and get flat out ignored, but guess what, I am growing a nice thick skin. People can be so fickle. One day they are your best bud, the next day, your nothing. Sad but true.sad


• 19 February 2015, 07:50
When I was a kid there was a limited choice of candy in the store.
I spent ages trying to choose best value taste etc to match the 2 pennies in my pocket and my gran had the patience of a saint.
She would say “Choose wisely as they are like friends, some will last others are sour but the best are the ones you always return to”
With todays internet of things there is so much choice we are sampled tasted and spat out as the variety is so wide and people continue to look for something better even when they have had the best they think that the best is still to come……..fickle is a nice word Mads but I find people have become too impatient.
The hard outer layer is seldom peeled away to reveal the true value at it’s centre.


• 19 February 2015, 09:38

Who would do that to you? You are one of the good people heresmile

• 19 February 2015, 07:05

I am one of those that is guilty of not staying in touch. I’ll fully admit that. It’s not that I don’t care about my friends, or those that I talk to, it’s the simple fact that I forget.

I’m one of those that I’ll get involved with something, whether it be a project, a program, or some other thing that catches my eye and bam! I’m off, I get sidetracked by other things and before I realize it, days, weeks, hell months will go by and I haven’t returned messages, texts, etc. My mind is a sieve, You have to constantly stay on it or else it will run off without a second thought.

So without a doubt I have a following of people that are pissed off at me for not staying in touch, or as one told me earlier, giving them the “cold shoulder” and you know what? They are right, although my intentions are not malicious in any way. I simply forgot. So hate me, tell me to fuck off. I deserve it and don’t blame them one bit.

Now pardon me, you just reminded me that I need to charge my phone that’s been dead for two days…image

• 19 February 2015, 08:08

Never thought I’d find someone in the same boat. Lol. I used to space days just because my mind gets so focused.

• 19 February 2015, 09:33

Welp, You just did. Nice to meet you hehe

• 19 February 2015, 07:01
People are the centre of their own worlds and often too selfish to realise that all people have a centre.
Just look at mobile phones……… could be in discussion with someone you have not seen for 30 years but the mobile rings…you switch it off and the person ringing gets annoyed ???
I could ask why ??
In the old days a phone would ring and you could ignore it and people would assume you were out but these days they can get you anytime anywhere and then have the audacity to get angry if you don’t answer.
Now that is not an answer to your blog mate but it is a reality of todays mentality.
Real friends pick up where you left off regardless of the passage of time.

• 19 February 2015, 06:45

Not one for words but that is sad dude.

Out of the image I do:

10, 8, 7, 6/3, 5, 4, 2.

• 19 February 2015, 06:56

I thought the message was rather hopeful and encouraging when it comes down to it, mate. 🙂

Read more…

Freedom Informant Network Closes

February 8, 2015

It saddens me to say that as of today, February 4, 2015, will be no more. After a year on this domain and 7 years of working on FIN, I have decided to close the doors on the website due to financial reasons and a few other reasons I will explain momentarily. I will continue to run the facebook page and may even continue productions in the future but as it stands currently, I will no longer be running a website.

I cannot express how much this pains me to do – more so than I even expected. I put a lot of work into the website and I know that many enjoyed the information featured there. Over the course of the past few months I have had a growing inner-conflict on the matter. I saw how much work I was putting into the project and how little action the general public was willing to get involved in.

After years of effort in this area of focus, it becomes quite discouraging when it gets to the point where it feels like nobody really cares enough to get active and involved in events, protests and the like through the many attempts by myself and those who have been involved with FIN over the years to get people engaged in addressing matters much less letting their voices be heard. While I know there are many out there who are extremely dedicated, it seems we are few in comparison.

My fight has not ended by any means. Frankly, it’s all I have left. I’ve seen the belly of the beast first-hand through everyday life, my time in active military service and throughout my experiences in activism. I’ve seen my exercise of constitutional rights bring great resistance from government entities who felt it necessary to send federal agents to my home for simply organizing protests, website attacks that traced back to military installations right here in the US and even threats directly from the VA for calling out their absurd, unjust practices. No, my work is far from over. I simply feel it’s time to move on in approach.

I have recently began discussions with Mr. Justin King at The Anti-Media and hope to get involved in some upcoming projects as well as picking up writing myself once again. I will be sure to provide updates right here on this page along with continued posts as I have been doing, just without a website of my own.

I want to thank everyone for their continued support and the appreciation I have received for my work and efforts. It’s humbling to know my work has not gone unnoticed and even greatly appreciated by many. As I said before, my work will continue. I look forward to any future opportunities that may be presented and our continued discussions right here on this page.

Lee Daiber

-FIN Creator/Admin

Short Warning: Vigilant Citizen is a Illuminati Disinfo Agent!

October 23, 2014

chaukeedaar's blog

For those of you that are in the conspiracy movement longer than I am – sorry, probably nothing new for you (perhaps you like then my article about Sitchin? 😉 ). For the rest that wants to get informed about the dark networks that are running this world and check blogs like the one of Vigilant Citizen: Beware! This guy is 100% a disinfo agent.

Is Chaukeedaar getting paranoid?

Ok, here is the story. I only occasionally run across the blog articles of VC the last couple of months and I’m only registered to new articles for some weeks now. I found them always interesting, somewhat very founded information there, just remember the famous article Sinister Sites – Astana, Khazakhstan for example. Thought he was just someone who worked in the Illuminati industry for some time and then decided to uncover the cabal. You probably thought about the same, right?

View original post 1,007 more words

Pharma Koma

September 1, 2014

So a friend in the pharmaceutical industry has left his extremely well paid job.

Because, he says,

‘They have state of the art equipment, you can call up any molecule on their computer system and synthesise it. The major problem is not the equipment but the marketing dept who have some weight in the decision making behind what should be researched and produced. It is they, who in their infinite wisdom, hold back amazing plans for what could become breakthroughs in certain areas of medicine and put profits before life. I couldn’t work in that environment so I left.’

I understand the need for a business to make money in order to improve techniques and equipment but it has got to the stage where common sense and decency has turned on its head.

Indeed it is now a reality that profit and gain has become more important than the self preservation of humanity as a whole.

So, we have 21st century Star Trek like scientific equipment with the ability to create magic held back by a 20th century economic institution.

The money may be keeping us all going and oiling the wheels for now but it is also holding back great advancements for all civilisation while lining the pocket and research budgets of technology we may never see. (if tptb have their way.)

I am not a die hard trekkie but It’s high time we adopted some of the well considered logical, sensible traits of that fiction which in parts is slowly becoming fact (minus the teleportation.)

How about a world without the need for money, instead of following Huxley and Orwell’s nightmare vision of the future which it seems is being used more as a blueprint for the centuries to come.

How do we get there?

I don’t know. It will come about of itself if and when the time and humanity is right I guess.


If Earth was a tribe of 100

September 1, 2014

If Earth was just a tribe of 100 we would have:

1 telling us another tribe is trying to kill them and getting 5 to attack ‘outsiders.’
1 trying to kill members of its own tribe with unnecessary poison.
1 controlling the money supply, making the rest indebted to him/her.
1 accumulating info on the other 99 to use against them if necessary.
1 telling everyone their god is not happy with them, instructing 15 to behead the other 84.
1 telling everyone that the other ones god is false and that theirs is the way.
1 telling everyone to go their own way and 99 not listening
1 who believes in nothing
5 who want to destroy everything
5 who want to protect everyone and everything
1 who only believes what they see
1 who see’s there is more than one believes

and 60 who just want to be left in peace and harmony, without wishing to harm or impose their will on another.

Some who are thirsty for knowledge and some who are happy to be told.

Materialism Damages Mirror Neuron Activity

April 10, 2014

For your deliberation and the thoughtful comments therein

The truth is out: money is just an IOU, and the banks are rolling in it

March 22, 2014

Full article here >

Tony Butler CaptainBlack

19 March 2014 11:18am

There is a tried and tested method of erasing imaginary bank debts, and without recourse to courts and lawyers, by simply serving a ‘Notice’ ) letter by recorded delivery) to provide proof of the debt.
1. The original accounting showing a transfer of the money from the bank’s account to your own, including the transactions of its liability ledger. (your agreement to repay the amount of the loan, has been entered as a cash deposit and therefore a liability.)
2. As the supposed loan was a digital creation, what loss is caused if it is not repaid.
3. Proof that they have not sold on the fictional debt agreement, (Promissory Note) on the Stockmarket, securitisation.
Add that they have 28 days to comply, and that you will happily repay any loan the requested documents show you lawfully owe. (that slams the door on the bank running to the courts. Everyone has the right to ask for proof of debt.

Shell SHOCK, PTSD and the Future

March 18, 2014

Happy New Year, yes I know it’s late but whose reading this anyway…    = )

[Before I start, This is all conjecture and as always the links to your right >>> (or down at the end for those on mobiles) are filled with information and some with brevity to alleviate your beleaguered soul on this epic journey you had no part in starting but are required to see through to the end… ]

I don’t know if it’s because life in my immediate vicinity has gotten extremely erratic or if it’s a phenomenon being experienced by more than most. So much is happening everywhere, 24/7 and we are more connected to it than ever before.

It is hard to escape the torrent of emotions, opinion and personal experiences of all types of humans being.

It wouldn’t be far from the truth to believe that we are all suffering varying levels of what was once described as Shell Shock now softened descriptively as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder which doesn’t lessen it’s debilitating effects at all.
The fact this condition was once only to ascribed to people suffering from the effects of war goes to show how easy it is to underestimate or disregard the effects of current civilian life.

(As an an aside Carlin puts it best when describing the semantic BS behind this.)

(As a double aside an interesting look at studies garnered from those suffering with Shell Shock in WWI)

It’s also easy to believe that there is an overall agenda, doesn’t it strike you funny that a lot of the decisions being made make no sense but just keep on happening?
If you wanted to do such a thing then it would take immense amounts of preparation and precise planning. A handful of hideously wealthy individuals in key positions around the planet and in the major governance centres of the World and there you have it. But what is the overall point to it all? Is there a point or is it just a circumstance of the human condition? What is the final outcome they wish to see? What is the thinking behind it? Is it Benevolent or Malevolent?

There is a war that is waging in the minds of everyone unbeknown to many but ever more clearly to growing numbers. The recently departed Tony Benn puts it quite succinctly:

‘I’m old now and the older I get the more I realise every single generation has to fight the same battles again, again and again. There is no final victory and no final defeat. It is very important to keep optimism. I think progress is being made by two flames that have always been burning in the human heart, the flame of anger against injustice and the flame of hope that we can build a better world.’

Starting to feel like Neo talking to the Architect yet?

The war on our minds gives us two paths to choose from, carry on with the program (wherever that may lead) or take the path less travelled the latter being the loneliest, although not as lonely as it may have once been. There are many other journey men and women finding their own solutions.  Some of these solutions may be of a practical kind and some may just be a total or partial change of mindset and sometimes a change of mindset is just enough, to look at your surroundings with a fresh pair of eyes, your place in the organised chaos of it all and a better understanding (if not complete) of what is going on to give you at least a fighting chance of coping with the myriad of outcomes.

While we slog away in our lifetimes the ever present Technological Singularity and increasingly apparent Future Shock Syndrome gathers pace putting pressure on our nervous systemsFuture_shock. You may find yourself surrounded by people demonstrating erratic behaviour or being seemingly detached from the madness and not engaging in any meaningful discussion. If you can survive on the superficial then all well and good for you but there are those that would rather be a little more informed asking the inconvenient questions about the societies in which we live and have a more intimate knowledge of the people and organisations who have a direct affect our lives and the ability to live them.

To have an opinion without researching some well sourced facts yourself is daft, to have an opinion on someone else’s opinion without doing some research yourself is equally daft but to denounce everything you come across that seems alien to you because it wasn’t fed to you from the mainstream is  just sticking your head in the sand and being cowardly plus it’s a little insane.

To teach your child to accept the current paradigm doubly so.

It isn’t in what they say it is in what they do.

Always listen and look, especially to your Elders, Always question the Status Quo

~If life is a joke, Make it a good one


Zazzle Shazzle

May 18, 2013

Now I am all for freedom of speech regardless of the angle but yesterday for the first time I came across restriction of that freedom.

Being the understanding human that I am I can understand where they are coming from (at a push) but considering the remark I made in the description before posting the images up I felt it justified where I was coming from.

It went along the lines of…

‘We do not condone or promote Fascist Dictatorships, Nazis, Neo-Nazis or any of the behaviour, thoughts and inclinations of said movements.’

The images in question I will post in a moment for your edification and maybe, just maybe you might agree with Zazzle’s decision to pull them.

But. In my mind (whatever that may construe) at no time in history has it ever been safe to rest on ones laurels, one must always remain vigilant in ones environment to the machinations of Governments and its peoples, crowd-think and following suit are not an option if those actions have such terrifying and debilitating effects on the society it tries to contain.

The images were not promoting the movement but instead were a warning against it (the strap line explained as much.)

Whether or not you agree that such a threat exists, if left unchecked I believe it is always ready to rear its ugly head.

Humans are ever evolving, there are many (and I strongly disagree with them) that believe Humans will always behave this way. There are many still, living within the constraints of these backward thinking Governments and Societies that understand we are interconnected and all require the one thing that sustains us and that, aside from the Sun is Earth.

So after my babbling (I just had to get it off my chest and where better to do it than here, I thank you for your patience) here are the offending images that didn’t quite cut it with Zazzle.

homeland security WP EUROPEAN UNION WP

They left me with one piece that fitted within the T&C’s of the Zazzle Empire, I’m quite happy with it and without the slightest hint of irony I present you with what they left me…  this

What does it mean?

Before you go! I feel it is necessary to bring this up about the ‘swastika‘.

A symbol that was hijacked by Hitler and his Nazi party must be reclaimed!

Although it has been used here to reflect something recognisable in the current mindset it is very important to understand  what the symbology once meant in the hearts and minds of our ancestors.

Peace be with you.

In LaKesh

The Powers That Were…

February 21, 2013


January was a dark month but February looks like its on the up.

Just recently (December 25th in fact)  some documents were released. These documents may be the game changer that millions who have had enough of this failing system have been looking for.

This was started by people on the inside, good people who knew only too well that the system had been hijacked by unscrupulous, psychopathic and plainly insane individuals.

I could wax lyrical on this but all the information is here >

If you aren’t in the least bit curious then you are either

a) Happy to delegate your responsibility to a third party

b) Dead

Get Being and Doing